Saturday, December 28, 2019
Italian Verb Conjugations Ricordare
It was once believed that we retained memory in our hearts. Hence in Italian, the act of remembering is ricordare, from the Latin recordareââ¬âthe prefix re indicating return backwards and cordis meaning heart. In English, that return of ricordare means to hold in memory, recall, remind, commemorate, summon to mind, keep in mind, and think of. Non ricordo il suo nome. I dont remember his name.Mi ricordi di tuo padre. You remind me of your father.Ricordo volentieri i nostri giorni del liceo. I always recall fondly our days at the liceo.Oggi in questa occasione ricordiamo Fabio, morto lanno scorso. Today on this occasion we remember Fabio, who died last year. Ricordarsi, Too A regular first-conjugation verb, ricordare is generally a transitive verb and takes a direct object and the auxiliary avere. However, ricordare can also be conjugated as a pronominal verb: ricordarsi something. In this case, of course, it is accompanied by the little pronominal particles mi, ti, si, ci, vi and si, and in the compound tenses it is used with essere (though it is not reflexive). To illustrate this, the conjugation tables below contain a mix of sentences with ricordare and ricordarsi using avere and essere. Overall, ricordarsi is considered to be less formal, but its a matter of speaking habit and regional or personal preference. Both ricordare and ricordarsi can be followed by di: to remember of something rather than simply something or someone. Mi ricordo bene di Luca or ricordo Luca molto bene, they mean essentially the sameââ¬âI remember Luca well. The differences are subtle, often changing with the tense of the verb and the context. Remember, though: Ricordare or ricordarsi must be followed by the proposition di if what you are remembering is an action, expressed by another verb: Ricordati di prendere il pane! Remember to get the bread! Indicativo Presente: Present Indicative In the presente indicativo, ricordare takes on a sense of permanence: I remember your father well; I remember when we went to school together. Io ricordo/mi ricordo Ricordo bene le tue parole. I remember your words well. Tu ricordi/ti ricordi Ti ricordi di mio nonno? Do you remember my grandfather? Lui, lei, Lei ricorda/si ricorda La nonna si ricorda sempre gli amici. Grandma always remembers her friends. Noi ricordiamo/ci ricordiamo Noi ci ricordiamo di prendere il pane. We remember to get the bread. Voi ricordate/vi ricordate Voi non ricordate mai niente. You never remember anything. Loro, Loro ricordano/si ricordano Loro si ricordano tutto. They remember everything. Indicativo Imperfetto: Imperfect Indicative With the imperfetto of ricordare you remembered something for an imperfect time in the past; you may not remember anymore. Io ricordavo/mi ricordavo Una volta ricordavo bene le tue parole; adesso non pià ¹. At one time I remembered your words well; now, no longer. Tu ricordavi/ti ricordavi Ti ricordavi di mio nonno prima di vederlo stamattina? Did you remember my grandfather before seeing him this morning? Lui, lei, Lei ricordava/si ricordava Da giovane la nonna si ricordava sempre gli amici. When she was young, Grandma always remembered her friends. Noi ricordavamo/ci ricordavamo Da bambini noi ricordavamo sempre di prendere il pane. As children, we always remembered to pick up the bread. Voi ricordavate/vi ricordavate Anche quando eravate giovani, voi non ricordavate mai niente. Even when you were young, you never remembered anything. Loro, Loro ricordavano/si ricordavano Prima, loro si ricordavano sempre tutto. Before, they used to always remember everything. Indicativo Passato Prossimo: Present Perfect Indicative In the passato prossimo, ricordare is a recent act of remembering, now concluded. See the uses of ricordare and ricordarsi with avere and essere, respectively. Io ho ricordato/mi sono ricordato/a Questa settimana ho ricordato le tue parole di consiglio. This week I remembered your words of advice. Tu hai ricordato/ti sei ricordato/a Quando sei andata a fare la spesa, ti sei ricordata del nonno? When you went shopping, did you remember/think about Grandfather? Lui, lei, Lei ha ricordato/si à ¨ ricordato/a La nonna si à ¨ ricordata gli amici fino all'ultimo giorno. Grandma remembered her friends until the very end. Noi abbiamo ricordato/ci siamo ricordati/e Evviva! Ci siamo ricordati di prendere il pane. Hurray! We remembered to get bread! Voi avete ricordato/vi siete ricordati/e Voi non avete mai ricordato niente del vostro passato. You have never remembered anything of your past. Loro, Loro hanno ricordato/si sono ricordati/e Le nostre nonne si sono sempre ricordate di tutto. Our grandmothers (have) always remembered everything. Indicativo Passato Remoto: Remote Past Indicative In the passato remoto the an act of remembering concluded in the remote past, in a memory or a story from long ago. Io ricordai/mi ricordai Quella volta ricordai le tue parole di consiglio. That time I remembered your words of advice. Tu ricordasti/ti ricordasti Quando lo vedesti, ti ricordasti del nonno? When you saw him, did you remember Grandfather? Lui, lei, Lei ricordà ²/si ricordà ² La nonna ricordà ² sempre gli amici, fino a quando morà ¬ nel 1972. Grandma remembered her friends well, until she died in 1972. Noi ricordammo/ci ricordammo Quella volta non ci ricordammo di prendere il pane e il babbo si arrabbià ². That time we did not remember to get the bread and dad got angry. Voi ricordaste/vi ricordaste Voi non ricordaste bene niente, neanche da giovani. You never remembered anything very well, not even when you were young. Loro, Loro ricordarono/si ricordarono Da anziani non si ricordarono sempre tutto. When they were older they did not always remember everything. Indicativo Trapassato Prossimo: Past Perfect Indicative In the trapassato prossimo you see ricordare and ricordarsi with the imperfetto of the auxiliary and the past participle. A storytelling voice, reminiscing, in the context of the past. Io avevo ricordato/mi ero ricordato/a Quella volta avevo ricordato bene le tue parole di consiglio. That time I had remembered your words of advice. Tu avevi ricordato/ti eri ricordato/a Quella volta ti eri ricordato del nonno; questa volta no. That time, you had thought about Grandfather; this time you did not. Lui, lei, Lei aveva ricordato/si era ricordato/a La nonna si era sempre ricordata gli amici. Grandma had always remembered her friends. Noi avevamo ricordato/ci eravamo ricordati/e Avevamo ricordato di prendere il pane, ma avevamo dimenticato di prendere l'acqua, e dovemmo tornare al supermercato. We had remembered to get the bread, but we had forgotten the water, so we had to go back to the store. Voi avevate ricordato/vi eravate ricordati/e Voi non vi eravate mai ricordati niente; poi tutto d'un tratto vi siete ricordati tutto. You had never remembered anything; then all of a sudden you remembered everything. Loro, Loro avevano ricordato/si erano ricordati/e Loro si erano sempre ricordati tutto del loro passato. They had always remembered everything about their past. Indicativo Trapassato Remoto: Preterite Perfect Indicative The trapassato remoto is mostly a literary tense, used in constructions with the passato remoto. Imagine some elderly nonni and nonne sitting around remembering. Io ebbi ricordato/mi fui ricordato/a Dopo che ebbi ricordato le tue parole di consiglio, scappai. As soon as I had remembered your words of advice I ran away. Tu avesti ricordato/ti fosti ricordato/a Appena ti fosti ricordato del nonno, lo abbracciasti. As soon as you had recalled Grandfather you hugged him. Lui, lei, Lei ebbe ricordato/si fu ricordato/a Dopo che aveva ricordato tutti gli amici per nome, la nonna morà ¬, ti ricordi? After she had remembered all her friends by name, Grandma died, you remember? Noi avemmo ricordato/ci fummo ricordati/e Appena ci fummo ricordati di prendere il pane, comincià ² a piovere. As soon as we had remembered to get the bread, it started to rain. Voi aveste ricordato/vi foste ricordati/e Dopo che aveste ricordato tutto, scappaste. After you had remembered everything, you fled. Loro, Loro ebbero ricordato/si furono ricordati/e Appena si furono ricordati di tutto, scapparono. As soon as they had remembered everything, they fled. Indicativo Futuro Semplice: Simple Future Indicative Il futuro semplice of ricordare is used mostly as a promise, a prognostication, or a warning. Io ricorderà ²/mi ricorderà ² Mi ricorderà ² delle tue parole! I will remember your words! Tu ricorderai/ti ricorderai Quando sarai pià ¹ grande ti ricorderai del nonno, vedrai! When you are older, you will remember Grandfather, you'll see! Lui, lei, Lei ricorderà /si ricorderà La nonna si ricorderà sempre gli amici. Grandma will always remember her friends. Noi ricorderemo/ci ricorderemo Ci ricorderemo di prendere il pane? Will we remember to get the bread? Voi ricorderete/vi ricorderete Voi non vi ricorderete niente perchà © siete distratti. You will never remember anything because you are distracted. Loro, Loro ricorderanno/si ricorderanno Loro si ricorderanno sempre di tutto perchà © sono attenti. They will always remember everything because they pay attention. Indicativo Futuro Anteriore: Indicative Future Perfect The futuro anteriore is regular, a compound tense with the future of the auxiliary. Io avrà ² ricordato/mi sarà ² ricordato/a Quando avrà ² ricordato le tue parole di consiglio me le scriverà ². When I will have remembered your words of advice I will write them down. Tu avrai ricordato/ti sarai ricordato/a Quando avrai ricordato il nonno gli scriverai. When you will have remembered Grandfather, you will write to him. Lui, lei, Lei avrà ricordato/si sarà ricordato/a Quando la nonna si sarà ricordata tutti gli amici sarà morta. By the time Grandma will have recalled all her friends, she will be dead. Noi avremo ricordato/ci saremo ricordati/e Quando avremo ricordato di prendere il pane saremo morti di fame. By the time we will have remembered to get the bread we will have starved. Voi avrete ricordato/vi sarete ricordati/e Quando avrete ricordato tutto saremo vecchi. When you will have remembered everything we will be old! Loro, Loro avranno ricordato/si saranno ricordati/e Appena si saranno ricordati tutto del loro passato, scriveremo un libro. As soon as they will have remembered everything about their past we will write a book. Congiuntivo Presente: Present Subjunctive In the presente congiuntivo we are wishing to remember, hoping to remember, or doubting well remember. Che io ricordi/mi ricordi Dubito che io ricordi le tue parole di consiglio. I doubt that I remember your words of advice. Che tu ricordi/ti ricordi Spero che tu ti ricordi del nonno! I hope that you remember Grandfather! Che lui, lei, Lei ricordi/si ricordi Credo che la nonna si ricordi tutti gli amici. I believe that Grandma remembers all her friends. Che noi ricordiamo/ci ricordiamo Dubito che ricordiamo di prendere il pane. I doubt we remember to get the bread. Che voi ricordiate/vi ricordiate Temo che voi non ricordiate niente. I fear that you don't remember anything. Che loro, Loro ricordino/si ricordino Non credo che loro si ricordino di tutto. I don't believe they remember everything. Congiuntivo Passato: Present Perfect Subjunctive The congiuntivo passato,à used to express wish or hope for something to have been remembered in the past, is made with the present subjunctive of avere or essere and the participle. Che io abbia ricordato/mi sia ricordato/a Vuoi che io non abbia ricordato le tue parole? You think that I did not remember your words of advice? Che tu abbia ricordato/ti sia ricordato/a Sono felice che tu abbia ricordato il nonno alla cerimonia ieri. I am happy that you remembered/commemorated Grandfather at the ceremony yesterday. Che lui, lei, Lei abbia ricordato/si sia ricordato/a Credo che la nonna si sia ricordata di tutti gli amici sempre. I think Grandma remembered all of her friends all of her life. Che noi abbiamo ricordato/ci siamo ricordati/e La mamma pensa che abbiamo ricordato di prendere il pane. Mom thinks that we remembered to get the bread. Che voi abbiate ricordato/ci siate ricordati/e Sono felice che abbiate ricordato tutto. I am happy that you remembered everything. Che loro, Loro abbiano ricordato/si siano ricordati/e Sono felice che si siano ricordati di tutto. I am happy that they remembered everything. Congiuntivo Imperfetto: Imperfect Subjunctive In the congiuntivo imperfetto, the hoping and wishing to remember is in the past. Hence, the imperfetto indicativo in the main clause. Che io ricordassi/mi ricordassi Speravi che mi ricordassi le tue parole di consiglio? You hoped that I had remembered your words of advice? Che tu ricordassi/ti ricordassi Speravo che tu ricordassi il nonno; invece lo hai dimenticato. I hoped that you had remembered Grandfather; instead you forgot (about) him. Che lui, lei, Lei ricordasse/si ricordasse La nonna sperava che si ricordasse sempre gli amici. Grandma hoped that she would always remember her friends. Che noi ricordassimo/ci ricordassimo Speravo che ricordassimo di prendere il pane; invece lo abbiamo dimenticato. I hoped that we would remember to get the bread, but we forgot. Che voi ricordaste/vi ricordaste Temevo che non vi ricordaste niente; invece ricordate tutto. I feared that you would not remember anything; instead, you remember everything. Che loro, Loro ricordassero/si ricordassero Speravo che si ricordassero di tutto. I hoped that they would remember everything. Congiuntivo Trapassato: Past Perfect Subjunctive The congiuntivo trapassato is made with the imperfetto congiuntivo of the auxiliary and the past participle. Che io avessi ricordato/mi fossi ricordato/a Vorrei che avessi ricordato le tue parole. I wish I had remembered your words of advice. Che tu avessi ricordato/ti fossi ricordato/a Vorrei che tu ti fossi ricordato del nonno quando sei andato a fare la spesa. I wish that you had thought of Grandfather when you went shopping. Che lui, lei, Lei avesse ricordato/si fosse ricordato/a Credevo che la nonna avesse ricordato tutti i suoi amici tutta la vita. I thought that Grandma had remembered all her friends all her life. Che noi avessimo ricordato/ci fossimo ricordati/e La mamma vorrebbe che ci fossimo ricordati di prendere il pane. Mom wished that we had remembered to get the bread. Che voi aveste ricordato/vi foste ricordati/e Vorrei che voi aveste ricordato tutto. I wish that you had remembered everything. Che loro, Loro avessero ricordato/si fossero ricordati/e Vorrei che si fossero ricordati di tutto. I wish that they had remembered everything. Condizionale Presente: Present Conditional You would remember if you were less tired! That is your condizionale presente. Io ricorderei/mi ricorderei Io mi ricorderei le tue parole se non fossi stanca. I would remember your words if I were less tired. Tu ricorderesti/ti ricorderesti Tu ti ricorderesti il nonno se lo rivedessi. You would remember Grandfather if you saw him again. Lui, lei, Lei ricorderebbe/si ricorderebbe La nonna si ricorderebbe tutti gli amici se fosse meno stanca. Grandma would remember all of her friends if she were less tired. Noi ricorderemmo/ci ricorderemmo Noi ci ricorderemmo di prendere il pane se avessimo pià ¹ tempo. We would remember to get the bread if we had more time. Voi ricordereste/vi ricordereste Voi ci ricordereste tutto se foste meno stanchi. You would remember everything if you were less tired. Loro, Loro ricorderebbero/si ricorderebbero Loro si ricorderebbero di tutto se fossero qui. They would remember everything if they were here. Condizionale Passato: Perfect Conditional The condizionale passato is made of the conditional present of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io avrei ricordato/mi sarei ricordato/a Mi sarei ricordata le tue parole fossi stata meno stanca. I would have remembered all the details had I been less tired. Tu avresti ricordato/ti saresti ricordato/a Ti saresti ricordata del nonno se lo avessi rivisto. You would have remembered Grandfather if you had seen him again. Lui, lei, Lei avrebbe ricordato/si sarebbe ricordato/a Alla festa, la nonna avrebbe ricordato tutti gli amici se fosse stata meno stanca. At the party, Grandma would have mentioned/remembered all her friends had she been less tired. Noi avremmo ricordato/ci saremmo ricordati/e Avremmo ricordato di prendere il pane se avessimo avuto il tempo. We would have remembered to get the bread had we had the time. Voi avreste ricordato/vi sareste ricordati/e Voi avrete ricordato tutto se foste stati meno distratti. You would have remembered everything had you been less distracted. Loro, Loro avrebbero ricordato/si sarebbero ricordati/e Si sarebbero ricordati di tutti i dettagli se fossero stati qui. They would have remembered all the details had they been here. Imperativo: Imperative With ricordare, the imperativo is a frequently used mode: Remember me! Tu ricorda/ricordati Ricorda il pane! Ricordati del pane! Remember the bread! Noi ricordiamo/ricordiamoci Ricordiamo di prendere il pane!/Ricordiamoci di prendere il pane! Let's remember to get the bread. Voi ricordate/ricordatevi Ricordate il pane! Ricordatevi del pane! Remember the bread! Loro ricordino/si ricordino Che ricordino il pane! Che si ricordino del pane! May they remember the bread! Infinito Presente Passato: Infinitive Present Past Ricordare in the infinito is also often used with such verbs as cercare (to try) and sperare (to hope) and with the helping verbs volere (to want), potere (to be able to), and dovere (to have to). Ricordare Siamo felici di ricordare Giovanni oggi. We are happy to remember Giovanni today. Avere ricordato Grazie per avere ricordato il mio compleanno. Thank you for having remembered my birthday. Essersi ricordato/a/i/e Sono felice di essermi ricordata il suo compleanno. I am happy to have remembered his birthday. Participio Presente Passato: Present Past Participle Ricordante (never used) Ricordato/a/i/e Ricordato tra gli eroi, l'uomo era felice. Remembered among the heroes, the man was happy. Gerundio Presente Passato: Present Past Gerund Ricordando/ricordandosi Ricordando la gioia della giovinezza, la donna sorrise. Remembering the joy of youth, the woman smiled. Avendo ricordato Avendo ricordato la gioia della giovinezza, la donna sorrise. Having remembered the joy of youth, the woman smiled. Essendosi ricordato/a/i/e Essendosi ricordata della gioia della giovinezza, la donna sorrise. Having reminded herself of the joy of youth, the woman smiled.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Essay about Undocumented Students - 769 Words
Undocumented students are becoming a growing outrage in the United States. It has been a constant battle amongst the students, the schools, and the Government. According to, statistics shows that 65,000 undocumented students graduate from U.S. high schools each year ( graduating high school they face legal and financial barriers to higher education. This paper will address the importance of this growing outrage and discuss the following that corresponds to it. â⬠¢ Definition of the term ââ¬Å" Undocumented Studentsâ⬠â⬠¢ The three main obstacles for higher education (admission, tuition, and financial aid) â⬠¢ Arizonaââ¬â¢s new immigration law â⬠¢ The D.R.E.A.M act The term ââ¬Å"undocumented studentsâ⬠is given toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The state of Arizona has issued a new state law which enables police officers to act as immigration officers. With this underestimated powers given to the police, it will cause a lot of problems, and sensitivities to all the legal and illegal immigrants ( Undocumented students residing Arizona will be in a constant fear of being deported since any minor issue such as calling the police for help in any case given can put their lives in the danger of deportation. Itââ¬â¢s only a matter of time if the government doesnââ¬â¢t stop this act, Arizona will impose unfair laws for education toward undocumented students. This will only cause chaos, and taking away the validity of the American Dream. The Dream Act, the Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act is a bipartisan legislation pioneered by Sen. Orin Hatch [R-UT] and Sen. Richard Durbin [D-IL].The undocumented students will granted a conditional legal status. Within the 6 years the student must be able to obtain a degree from a four year university. After the 6 years passes the conditional status becomes a legal American citizen. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Family History And Its Effects On Children Essay Example For Students
Family History And Its Effects On Children Essay Moreover, the children of an adoptee are also victims to the secrecy. Just like an adoptee, their family history is also a void. Heaven forbid the child of an adoptee was to have a medical condition, not only is their health put at risk by the lack of family history and having to possibly endure otherwise unnecessary testing, but the parent is, once again, in the situation of being reminded that they are not entitled to answers. By no fault of their own, the shame that was bestowed upon the birth parents has now been passed down to the adoptee every time their childââ¬â¢s doctor asks about family history and it cannot be provided. As Charis Eng points out in his testimony, ââ¬Å"Needless to say, the potential impact of sharing family history and thereby empowering its use to guide preventive care is tremendous for generations of Ohioans. â⬠Even when the child of an adoptee does not have any medical conditions, the secrecy of the adoption can still be felt throughout their childhood. They are up against some of the same challenges that the adoptee faced growing up. Teachers requiring projects that involve heredity and family trees are just as hard for them since their parents cannot answer their questions. Hearing friends talk about their family history and not being able to join in can be just as frustrating. The secrecy is now playing a part in a generation that is even more innocent than the last.The psychological effects of the closed era had enormous impact on all involved in the adoption triad. The birth mother, usually young and unwed, was forced to give her baby up for adoption by her parents. No other options were suggested along with no counseling or how to deal with the loss of their child. Some were sent away to homes to hide t. .to his/her children, and the psychological well-being of both the adoptee and the birth parents. If careful attention is paid to the birth parents, their wishes can also be addressed in the same way Ohio has done, giving them ample time to retract their names while providing much need medical and background that can be helpful to the adoptee. Limiting the open records to adult adoptees, it is a reasonable assumption that they will be able to mentally handle whatever comes from the information. ââ¬Å"What good comes from secrecy and shame? Itââ¬â¢s a rhetorical question. The answer is nothingâ⬠(Vercellotti). Society has come a long way since the closed era of adoption. The fear that paralyzed the birth families back then should not paralyze future generations. They should be allowed to explore their past, just as every other non-adopted American citizen has the freedom to do.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Anitgone 2 Essay Example For Students
Anitgone 2 Essay In the short play Antigone, by Socrates, we find the chorus embodies the static voice of traditional society in many ways. In this play traditional society is following the rules and also obeying King Kreon and his rules. We will see how the characters Antigone, Kreon and Isemene relate to traditional society. The character Antigone is loyal to her family despite the unjust laws of Kreon. Antigone shows this by saying Hes my brother and yours too and weather you will or not, I will stand by him.(Page 22) She is willing to die because of her belief of moral value. The chorus relates this to traditional society by Antigone is trying to change society by going against the king and his rules. It seems that she is trying to make a stand for her family since she is one of the last ones left in her family. She also suffers from recklessness by her goodness of her character. She shows this by burying her brother and doing the right thing. Since she has committed these actions and broke Kreons rules her morals will be here own downfall. Kreon is a ruthless person obsessed by power. He goes against tradition by denying burial of Polyneices and doesnt take Teiresias advice. Kreon shows that he cares about power instead of family values by condemning his sons bride. This also shows that he goes again st meaningful tradition. The chorus shows that he fails to keep the laws of divine justice by leaving Polyneices body uncovered. Since Polyneices fought for Kreons side he should get a proper burial. Kreon also suffers from recklessness because his greatness of power is destroying him. In this case Kreon will be destroyed because he cant understand that his family and moral values should come first instead of his power. Ismene is a character that has mixed feelings about the whole situation. This is proven when Ismene said, Promise not to say anything. Keep this a secret. Ill join you in secrecy.(Page 24) This shows that she wants to help her sister and to do what is right but she is scared of what might happen to her. Ismene shows redemption when she feels she is a disgrace to her sister, and wants to die with her. Ismene has a choice to go along with society or go against it. She decides to go along with traditional society by going to Kreon and saying I did it. I share the blame with her and will blame it also. (Page 42) This shows that she made up her mind and decided that morals and family value are more important than any thing else. In conclusion we find that people in traditional society must obey their own beliefs. No matter what rules are being implied in society, people make up there own code to live by. As in the case of Antigone, Kreon and Ismene they each had to go by their own moral code and do what they thought was right. Some times it turns out for the better and sometimes the worst. They must look at themselves and decide what is best for them. Bibliography:this is really good
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Situational Writing Recount free essay sample
Whenever the kitten moved, the tin can made rattling noise. The kitten looked frightened as it started going around in circles to try to get rid of the can. The two boys were also poking the kitten with little sticks while the girl was laughing. After witnessing the entire incident, I ran to the nearest staff room. Saw Mrs. Lee and immediately told her what had happened. I brought her to the staircase where I had last seen the three pupils. She rescued the kitten and reprimanded the bullies severely.She thanked me for informing her immediately. I hope that you address this issue as animal cruelty and bullying should not be allowed to take place in our school. I feel that they were very cruel to the kitten and even laughed when it was being hurt. Really feel that animals are to be loved, not to be hurt. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. We will write a custom essay sample on Situational Writing Recount or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you need further clarifications, please let me know. Sincerely, Michelle (Grade 6) Teachers comments: Michelle used the correct tone to inform the principal of the incident.It was professional and informative. Her use of past perfect speech (e. G. Had last seen, what had happened) was also appropriate and showed that he understood the timeline of the events that took place. She was also able to express his feelings well (e. G. I really feel that animals are to be loved, not to be hurt) which brought a personal element to the letter. Furthermore, she was able to understand the context of the writing.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
History of Romance Dating Customs
History of Romance Dating Customs Where would we be without romance? What was courtship and marriage like for our distant ancestors? Beginning with the ancient Greeks recognition of the need to describe more than one kind of love, inventing the word eros to describe carnal love, and agape to mean a spiritual love, take a stroll back through romantic heritage with this timeline of romantic customs, dating rituals, and tokens of love. Ancient Courtship In ancient times, many of the first marriages were by capture, not choice - when there was a scarcity of nubile women, men raided other villages for wives. Frequently the tribe from which a warrior stole a bride would come looking for her, and it was necessary for the warrior and his new wife to go into hiding to avoid being discovered. According to an old French custom, as the moon went through all its phases the couple drank a brew called metheglin, which was made from honey. Hence, we get the word, honeymoon. Arranged marriages were the norm, primarily business relationships born out of the desire and/or need for property, monetary or political alliances. Medieval Chivalry From buying a woman dinner to opening a door for her, many of todays courting rituals are rooted in medieval chivalry. During medieval times, the importance of love in a relationship emerged as a reaction to arranged marriages but was still not considered a prerequisite in matrimonial decisions. Suitors wooed their intended with serenades and flowery poetry, following the lead of lovelorn characters on stage and in verse. Chastity and honor were highly regarded virtues. In 1228, it is said by many that women first gained the right to propose marriage in Scotland, a legal right that then slowly spread through Europe. However, a number of historians have pointed out that this supposed leap year proposal statute never occurred, and instead gained its legs as a romantic notion spread in the press.à Victorian Formality During the Victorian Era (1837-1901), romantic love became viewed as the primary requirement for marriage and courting became even more formal - almost an art form among the upper classes. An interested gentleman could not simply walk up to a young lady and begin a conversation. Even after being introduced, it was still some time before it was considered appropriate for a man to speak to a lady or for a couple to be seen together. Once they had been formally introduced, if the gentleman wished to escort the lady home he would present his card to her. At the end of the evening, the lady would look over her options and choose who would be her escort. She would notify the lucky gentleman by giving him her own card requesting that he escort her home. Almost all courting took place in the girls home, under the eye of watchful parents. If the courting progressed, the couple might advance to the front porch. Smitten couples rarely saw each other without the presence of a chaperone, and mar riage proposals were frequently written. Courtshipà Customs Tokens of Love Some of the Nordic countries have courtship customs involving knives. For example, in Finland when a girl came of age, her father let it be known that she was available for marriage. The girl would wear an empty sheath attached to her girdle. If a suitor liked the girl, he would put a puukko knife in the sheath, which the girl would keep if she was interested in him.The custom of bundling, found in many parts of 16th and 17th century Europe and America, allowed courting couples to share a bed, fully clothed, and often with a bundling board between them or bolster cover tied over the girls legs. The idea was to allow the couple to talk and get to know each other but in the safe (and warm) confines of the girls house.Dating back to 17th century Wales, ornately carved spoons, known as lovespoons, were traditionally made from a single piece of wood by a suitor to show his affection to his loved one. The decorative carvings have various meanings - from an anchor meaning I desire to settl e down to an intricate vine meaning love grows. Chivalrous gentlemen in England often sent a pair of gloves to their true loves. If the woman wore the gloves to church on Sunday it signaled her acceptance of the proposal.In some parts of 18th-century Europe, a biscuit or small loaf of bread was broken over the head of the bride as she emerged from the church. Unmarried guests scrambled for the pieces, which they then placed under their pillows to bring dreams of the one they would someday marry. This custom is believed to be the precursor of the wedding cake.Many cultures throughout the world recognize the idea of matrimony as the ties that bind. In some African cultures, long grasses are braided together and used to tie the hands of the groom and bride together to symbolize their union. Delicate twine is used in the Hindu Vedic wedding ceremony to bind one of the brides hands to one of the hands of the groom. In Mexico the practice of having a ceremonial rope loosely place around both of the necks of the bride and groom to bind t hem together is common.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Trade Protectionism And Worldwide Economic Contraction Case Study
Trade Protectionism And Worldwide Economic Contraction - Case Study Example Economic protectionist laws are struck down on the basis that the state has not used a more equitable means of achieving its goal. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate economic protectionism, explain the rationale for governments implementing protectionist policies and evaluate whether these policies were successful or otherwise. For example, when the purpose of a law is to shield Alaskaââ¬â¢s infant timber processing industry from the effects of interstate and foreign competition, it is deemed as invalid. Similarly, a stateââ¬â¢s labeling law in the apple growing industry would be considered to be economic protectionist if it were meant to prevent apple growers in other states from selling their fruits in the former state. Thus, where economic protectionism is a lawââ¬â¢s ultimate goal, the measure can be held to be unfounded. However, if the apple growing state argues that requiring the use of a specific grade is a reasonable method to protect cons umers against fraud and deception, the court would most likely accept this argument (May & Ides 350). On the other hand, economic protectionism is also considered to be damaging if it is merely a means, a stepping-stone, or an intermediate goal towards the attainment of a legitimate end. For example, ââ¬Å"a genuine quarantine law that bans the importation of diseased crops or animals is not economic protectionism if it was adopted for health reasonsâ⬠(May & Ides 352) even though it has the incidental effect of shielding local sellers from competition from other states. Although quarantine laws are not invalid in themselves, they may be invalidated if they fail to meet one of the other requirements of the dominant Commerce Clause analysis. The Argument Against Economic Protectionism Support for continued trade liberalization may be declining, as the results from recent polls and political rhetoric suggest.
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